Who knows? I might even post twice in a month! =-)
Outside My Window...
It's dark. it's not Alaska but the change to winter is noticable. It was a very pretty fall day. I love bright red fall leaves!
I am thinking...
I want a nap!
I am thankful for...
Friends, family, connections. Some friends just adopted their third son today - National Adoption Day!
From the kitchen...
Adoption celebration means I don't have to cook. Whoo hoo!
I am wearing...
Jeans and a long sleeved shirt. A brand new shirt I should point out, that I promptly spilled egg onto as I was driving to work. Grrrr.
I am creating...
Wire and bead creations for friends for Christmas.
I am going...
To an adoption celebration! And then to bed 'cause the family that just adopted is having a huge work party on the new house tomorrow!
I am reading...
Books on adoption, the blue collar worker and a lovely fantasy series.
I am hoping...
AJ gets out of her funky snit and decides to listen.
I am hearing...
AJ bouncing a ball and reading in her room.
Around the house...
Hmmm, just things to do.
One of my favorite things...
Creative quiet time to myself.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: