Thursday, February 24, 2005


So I'm wondering - should I really be grateful to my co-worker?

So said CW used to do all things benefit related. Now that's being given to me. But he's still the controller so has lots of info I need to do my job - especially since I haven't been given access to the payroll data base.

So last week I get a huge spreadsheet dumped on me. I explain to CW what I need. He insists all pieces of info are everywhich place and there's no report he can run to help me.

Yesterday I inform CW that I'm behind with said spreadsheet due to employee "fires" I had to deal with. CW decides to look over spreadsheet and finish.

Spreadsheet comes back to me today. Just as I get in the door CW pops in and says the spreadsheet took three hours and don't I owe him big.

No, I don't owe you because I had to open every cotton pickin' employee file and search for the data which I hand entered - a process that took forever. Once you had to do the spreadsheet all of a sudden the database can be made to give you the reports and lists I had requested in the first place.

So no, I don't owe you and I'm not greatful for your measly 3 hours next to my hours of time spend hand reviewing every employee chart and hand keying in every piece of data.

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