Monday, May 15, 2006

Work Vent

I don't get it. In this day and age why would anyone not understand that having bikini clad women on calendars or posters in your locker is a clear violation of sexual harassment policy! OMG - I'm getting push back and resistance from a supervisor and manager!! People who are supposed to know better!

Why would anyone not want to work towards a workplace that is free of harassment and discrimination for everyone? What you do at home is your business but the work place should be a place with standards set that are respectful to every employee, client, customer, etc. So have the nude calendar in your home shop but not at work! Sexual innuendo and foul language in the lunch room is not acceptable!

I am preparing a training session on harassment and discrimination for the end of the month. A one hour mandatory session for everyone in the company. I had thought it would be a light-hearted review since there's been training in the past. Now I'm realizing I'm going to encounter a lot of resistance.

I hate being the heavy - the police force. Part of my problem is that I want to be liked. That is a very bad quality to have in an HR manager. My job often involves policy and discipline which does not equate with being a beloved co-worker. I'm not a co-worker really to anyone in the sense of being able to gripe, bitch or just decompress after a tough day. HR touches everyone and everything is confidential so I have to be circumspect with everyone.

I do like my job so I shouldn't complain. I just need to find other friends and confidants outside of work - something I really struggle with. It's tough to find a good friend who will just let you vent.

So thanks for being a friend dear Internet!


Anonymous said...

Get a grip will ya, or a stud calendar for your own locker.

You need a good spanking!

MrsM said...

I hate those calenders too - but have pity on paco and others who like them... I've never met someone with one of those calenders who has a lady (or a man)like that at home. haha

Stay strong, I bet there are tons of people who appreciate your drive to keep stuff like that out of the office.

FishTaxi said...

I work with 3 guys and they are usually pretty cool. One of them put a pin-up of Jennifer Aniston on the board and I took it down. Nobody said a word to me about it.

TLP said...

Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes! You're a sweetie! I was away visiting one of my daughters.

I guess I never appreciated how HR works. I always took them for granted when I worked.

I don't think that you are griping. Just telling it the way it is.

LOL Paco. Yeah, Kate, hang some hung guy on your work wall. That'll go over big. No pun intended. hee hee

Klondike Kate said...

Thanks for the comments and encouragement guys!

And K - would you believe one of the excuses I heard was "my wife wouldn't care if I had this at home!"

Whatever! Work is work and home is home. Thank you all for the encouraging words. I needed the pick-me-up!

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