Sunday, August 21, 2005


oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.... This only happens to to others...I thought.

One of my kid-friends just came to me crying because she witnessed her mother's ex-boyfriend punch her mom across the room.

How do you explain to a kid that her ideas of finding and punching the guy are noble but inappropriate, dangerous, wrong, etc???? What do you say to a child who's witnessed violence more than once when she asks "why me? why my family?"

Going to go play a game and cheer up/distract the child. Will process more later...


TLP said...

Oh, this is so sad! So sad. I'm so troubled over this. What can you do? Comfort the child. Call the mother, ask what you can do for her?

Anonymous said...

Can you call the police? Ugh.

MrsM said...

That is heartbreaking.

prudhoeman said...

That's sad for the kid and the mom. Someone should report him to the cops or the mob. If he went to jail and had to pay for it that way, it would be a good lesson for him and that would show the kid that it's not right and poeple have to pay for there mistakes.

Klondike Kate said...

Thanks all for your comments. I feel like punching him myself even if I did just spend hours last night delivering the "violence never solves anything" lecture. True lecture but still...

Anonymous said...

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